Price Match Policy

We know you don鈥檛 like to monkey around when it comes to shopping for a deal. That鈥檚 why with our Best Price Guarantee you don鈥檛 need to worry finding an item cheaper! Not only do we match a cheaper price* We will also give you 7 days to find the item you purchased, cheaper and will refund the difference*!

To be entitled to either a price match or a partial refund you must provide the following.

路 A link to the advertised item

路 Proof of purchase (if requesting a partial refund)

路 A screen shot of the advertised price.

Terms & Conditions relating to price match and partial refund policy.

路 Item must be in stock at selected Retailer

路 Only applicable to Australian based Retailers.

路 Monkey Budz or its associates must site the cheaper advertised price physically before granting a price match or partial refund.

路 Item must be identical (Colour, Brand, Model, Size, Specification)

路 Excludes clearance sales.

路 Item must not be discounted below cost price.

路 Price must be available to the general public and not through a wholesaler.

路 Policy excludes any shipping or handling costs.

路 Any partial refund will be issued in the form of a store credit or voucher.

路 Monkey Budz does reserve the right to refuse any price match or partial refund.

If you have found a price better than ours or have any questions relating to our price match policy fill out the form below or contact our Monkey Budz customer support team on 1300 130 314